
Chain Chalk

  • G80 Red Painted Forged European Type Connecting Link

    G80 Red Painted Forged European Type Connecting Link

    1. Kuyamba kwa malonda a G80 Red Painted Forged European Type Connecting Link DETAILS G80 Red Painted European Type Connecting Link Kukula: 6-8 mpaka 30 / 32-8 Zofunika: Chitsulo cha Alloy Pamwamba: Dip yotentha yamalata, malata, utoto ndi zina Technology: Zopanga - Zozimitsidwa ndi Zotentha Zoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi G80 unyolo Kukula (mm) WLL (t) Makulidwe (mm) Kulemera kwake (lbs) B1 D1 H1 H 6-8 1 14.5 7 18.5 47.5 0.3 7/8-8 2 20.5 8.5 22 22 ..
  • Dip Yotentha Yoyaka G403 Jaw End Swivel

    Dip Yotentha Yoyaka G403 Jaw End Swivel

    ZINDIKIRANI G403 Jaw End Swivel Kukula: 1/4 ″ mpaka 1 1/2 ″ Zida: Katoni zitsulo Pamwamba: Kuviika kotentha ndi malata ndi ena Ukadaulo: Wopangidwa - Wozimitsidwa ndi Wokwiya Amakwaniritsa zofunikira za Federal Specification RR-C-271F, Type VII , Kalasi 3, kupatula zomwe zikufunika kwa kontrakitala. Kuti mudziwe zambiri, onani tsamba 452. Yoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi chain Ultimate Load ndi nthawi 5 kuposa malire a Katundu Wogwira Ntchito. Kukwaniritsa kapena kupitilira zofunikira zonse za ASME B30....
  • China Painted G80 Alloy Forged DV Hooks

    China Painted G80 Alloy Forged DV Hooks

    Matchulidwe a Painting G80 Alloy Forged DV Hooks Ø Chinthu: Painted G80 Alloy Forged DV Hooks Ø Mtundu: US Type Ø Choyambirira: Qingdao, China Ø Zida: 35CrMo Steel Ø Technology: Drop Forgerd Ø Kukula: 1.5T, 5T, 3T, 3T, 3T, 8T Ø Pamwamba: Galvanized, Hot Dip galvanized, Painted, Mechanical galvanized, Dacromet ndi ena Ø Market: European / America / Africa / Middle Asia etc Ø Mtengo: 1 $ mpaka 30 $ Ø MOQ: 100 zidutswa Ø Certificate: mayeso a fakitale kapena chachitatu kuyesa Ø Mphamvu Yopanga: Zotengera 1 pamwezi ...
  • G80 Alloy Steel Forged US Type Connecting Link

    G80 Alloy Steel Forged US Type Connecting Link

    Tsatanetsatane Wazogulitsa 1. Kuyambitsa Kwazinthu za G80 Alloy Steel Forged US Type Connecting Link DETAILS G80 US Type Connecting Link Kukula: 1/4 ″ mpaka 1 1/4″ Zida: Chitsulo cha Aloyi Pamwamba: Dip yotentha yothira malata, malata, utoto ndi zina Technology :Forged - Yozimitsidwa ndi Kutentha Yoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi G80 chain Kukula (mu) WLL(lbs) Makulidwe (mu) Kulemera (lbs) ABDE 1/4 3,600 0.36 1.88 0.78 0.66 0.28 5/16 4...
  • Dip Yotentha Yoyaka Galvanized G402 Nthawi Zonse Swivel

    Dip Yotentha Yoyaka Galvanized G402 Nthawi Zonse Swivel

    Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda 1. Kuyambitsa kwa Hot Dip Galvanized G402 Regular Swivel DETAILS G402 Regular Swivel Kukula: 1/4 ″ mpaka 1 1/2 ″ Zida: Carton steel Surface: Dip dip galvanized ndi zina Technology:Forged - Kuzimitsidwa ndi Kutentha Kumakumana ndi Zofunikira pakuchita kwa Federal Specification RR-C-271F, Type VII, Class 2, kupatula zomwe zimafunikira kwa kontrakitala Zoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi unyolo Ultimate Load ndi nthawi 5 ...
  • Dip Yotentha Yopangidwa ndi G401 Chain Swivel

    Dip Yotentha Yopangidwa ndi G401 Chain Swivel

    Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda 1. Kuyambitsa kwa Hot Dip Galvanized G401 Chain Swivel DTAILS G401 Chain Swivel Kukula: 1/4 "mpaka 3/4" Zida: Carton steel Surface: Dip dip galvanized ndi ena Technology:Forged - Wozimitsidwa ndi Wokwiya Amakumana ndi ntchitoyo. zofunikira za Federal Specification RR-C-271F, Type VII, Class 1, kupatula zomwe zikufunika kwa kontrakitala. Zoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi chain Ultimate Load ndi nthawi 5 ...
  • Rigging Painted Forged Master Link ya Lifting Chain

    Rigging Painted Forged Master Link ya Lifting Chain

    Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda 1. Kuyambitsa Kwazinthu za Rigging Painted Forged Master Link For Lifting Chain DETAILS Master Link Kukula: 1/2″ mpaka 2.5″ Pamwamba: Dip yotentha yothira malata, malata, utoto ndi zina Zopangira ndi kutentha zitsulo za alloy. Oyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi unyolo Kukula (mu) Makulidwe(mm) WLL (t) Kulemera (lbs) ABD 1/2 127 63.5 13 2 0.88 5/8 152 76 16 3 1.54 3/4 140 70 70 18 19 4. ...
  • 3/8 S-249 Double Twin Clevis Lumikizani ndi Pin

    3/8 S-249 Double Twin Clevis Lumikizani ndi Pin

    Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda 1. Kuyambitsa Kwazinthu za 3/8 Galvanized S-249 Double Twin Clevis Link With Pin DETAILS Double Twin Clevis Link Kukula: 1/4-5/16 mpaka 7/16-1/2 Surface: Dip galvanized(HDG ), malata, opaka utoto ndi ena Amapezeka mumitundu itatu yotchuka. Thupi limapangidwa ndi chitsulo cha carbon dioxide. Mapini Onse Aloyi Chitsulo - Chozimitsidwa ndi Kutentha. Zoyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi G80 chain Kukula (mu) WLL(lbs) Makulidwe (mu) Kulemera (lbs) ABCDF ...
  • 5/16 Zokokedwa Zamagetsi za Clevis Slip Zokhala ndi Latch Yachitetezo

    5/16 Zokokedwa Zamagetsi za Clevis Slip Zokhala ndi Latch Yachitetezo

    Tsatanetsatane Wazogulitsa 1. Kuyambitsa Kwazinthu za 5/16 Galvanized Clevis Slip Hooks With Safety Latch DTAILS Clevis Slip Hooks With Safety Latch Size: 1/4″ to 5/8″ Pamwamba: Painted, galvanized and other Forged Carbon Steel kapena Forged Alloy Steel - Wopepuka komanso wodekha. Mapini onse ndi Aloyi Zitsulo - Zozimitsidwa ndi Zotentha. Zogulitsazi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pa unyolo 2. Kufotokozera Kwazinthu za Clevis Slip Hooks Ndi Chinthu Chachitetezo cha Latch: Clevis Slip Hooks With ...
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